David and I checked the foundation dimensions Sunday evening - the back wall was 2" in from where it is on the plans, and the whole house was out-of-square. One wall wasn't vertical, and the front wall and back wall differed by 1.5" in length. So most of the day today was spent fixing the wall lengths, making them vertical, placing rebar for the parking slab, and measuring. And measuring. And then measuring some more.
Now I realize that a 44'x53' structure is not going to be perfect, so I went on-line and found a standards for wood framed houses that said that for our size house, the diagonals (measurements from corner to corner) were not to differ from each other by more than 2". Ours are off by 3". Finally Pat (the owner) came by and after still more measurements, ordered the walls to be knocked loose (they were glued and braced). Now the problem is that the rebar from the footings are often touching the plastic pieces in the Nudura blocks, and this is limiting how much the walls can be moved.
There are ways that some of this might be corrected in the next level of blocks (above the slab). If we were sure that it could be corrected, we might agree to this, but at this point we are not convinced. Also, David thinks that Pat is tired of telling his crews to measure the diagonals so might be eating the cost in order to teach them why it is so important.
The Nudura rep is coming out tomorrow with a fancy laser level that does 90° rays. Did I mention that the block is pretty pricey? Guess that's why he gets the cool toys! Hopefully they'll figure it out tomorrow. I think that by this evening, everyone (us included) was tired of trying to figure it out. Needless to say, no concrete tomorrow.
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