Getting the footings in the fill, termite spray, and laying out the mesh/rebar has taken a lot of coordination. The foundation crew was a no-show on Thursday, presumably because of the heavy rains on Wednesday. They showed up Friday and dug the footings, but left before the site was ready for the termite sprayer. Miscommunication was the order of the day, and they had to redo part of the forms to add the spacers we requested. The spacers are 2x4's along the back wall and 1x4's along the front and north walls to allow for the next set of walls to be squared correctly and to buy back some of the 2" that were lost in the back sunroom due to the wall being placed incorrectly. Once the language barriers were worked out, the crew did a good job of setting the forms, even setting shims in places where the chain wall jogged. They finished up Saturday morning but could not continue until the dirt was sprayed for termites. It was late afternoon before they could come back, but they came back Sunday afternoon and finished what they could.

Sunday evening, David and I realized that the engineered foundation drawings call for two rebar on either side of each opening. Only one rebar was placed during the chain wall pour. The contractor's fix was to drill 4" holes into the chain wall concrete and use 5-minute epoxy (unmixed) to add the missing rebar. (And we didn't have enough rebar so David made yet another unscheduled trip to the lumber yard.) We weren't too keen on this fix, so had them add angled rebar between the epoxied rebar and the rebar in the slab. The engineer never called us back, but we think that this is an adequate fix.
We were supposed to get the inspection this afternoon, but the county offices were shut down for the Confederate Memorial Day. (That's not a federal holiday, is it?!) So David will call first thing in the morning and hopefully it will be inspected early in the afternoon. Right now, the concrete pour is scheduled for 3 pm. It's been a long week!
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