Saturday, July 11, 2009

Teased & Christened

Electricity was turned on yesterday evening and the air conditioning company showed up this morning to get the AC up and running.  The upstairs unit had a leak and they didn't have enough freon to recharge it, so they got the downstairs up and running before they left, promising to be back "later".  While the upstairs stayed hot, the downstairs unit cooled to a comfortable 80 degrees before it crashed.  The AC unit wasn't draining, and when the condensation built up in the pan, the moisture sensor shut the system off.  

As for the christening - the girls did water play this afternoon in their kiddie pool.  After they were done, they took a bath in the air tub.  And at some point, Emily peed on the floor!  Anyone know where we can find Backyardigan underwear for little girls?  I think we could potty train her if we could find some "Pablo" underwear!


Anonymous said...

So, what happened next? This would be a very disappointing last episode.


Jeff said...

Happy Birthday!

What is going on with the house? You've left me hanging...