The shower glass is being installed. This panel was originally two panels, but we asked them to make it out of one piece of glass. So they installed the frame and remeasured for the glass. That will keep that piece from being cut wrong. Maybe they should have done the same for the glass between the shower and the bath - it was cut wrong. Excuse my fingers in the next picture - I was blocking the light from the window so that the camera would adjust the light for the picture of the shower. Anyways, that's the door to the shower.

Here's the trim that David made for the upstairs back door.

While we're waiting for the doors to come in, David has started the porches. We're using more of that extra hardi for the stair risers.

Here's the deck at the top by the front door.
Here's the upper porch.

The plywood is up under the house - just as the wrens were starting to make this year's nest. The vinyl will go up tomorrow.

David's been whittling down the huge pile of flooring in the study and the master bedroom. The study is cleared, this is what's left in the bedroom.

David's using the back porch to cut the flooring.

The living room is a third of the way done.
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