As we are going up, we're starting to get a better view of the bayou. Here's a view from the back corner of the slab:
David's starting to stucco the chain wall. I'll probably wait until he's done before I add a post showing all stages. There are three layers of stucco, and it will take a couple of weeks since each layer needs about a week to set up before the next layer is applied.
Pat (our contractor) came out to the property with the framer today. They are going to try a new method of construction - they are going to set the main floor trusses before they pour concrete in the walls. This will complicate the bracing, but will allow two crews to work simultaneously, and the trusses should help to hold the walls square. They will be able to use the floor as scaffolding, and they'll be able to start laying block for the next pour within a couple of days of this pour. It'll be exciting, but hopefully not too exciting! Barring bad weather or complications with other jobs, they should start next Tuesday (5/15).
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