Orange, yellow, green, and pink. And maybe blue. We are painting a rainbow house!
Claire's room is pink, of course. I still have to figure out how to do the purple polka dots. Emily's room has green walls with a yellow ceiling. A bit bright right now, but should be nice with pink curtains & bed spreads - she gets the two french beds that we inherited from Mike & Tom after Katrina. We're not sure what bed Claire gets. David wants to give her the chestnut half-teaster - but we'll have to make it more princessy since it is pretty masculine.
Claire helped to paint Emily's closet. In twenty minutes, she had worked harder and painted more than Mommy did, as she proudly informed me.
The half bath is "just-shy of pumpkin" orange. The name is actually baked squash. I don't have a picture here. The master closet/bath/and laundry room are all a darker orange - "faded clay". Today I will do another coat of pumpkin and start the yellow in the entry way. Hopefully we will get a coat of the "Homestead Classic Pale Olive" in the living room to see if we like it. Still haven't picked colors for the master bedroom and study. I think the clay would look nice in the study, but David thinks we have enough clay!
David is continuing on his project - the bead board ceiling is a tremendous amount of work. He sands each piece, sprays two coats of lacquer, hand sands, stains, then another coat of lacquer. So roughly 30 minutes per board. But it's looking nice.